Heater Repair

加热 System Repair in New Albany


Even if people think of Ohio as a warm place, its winters can still get pretty cold, especially without a functioning heater. 如果你的机器在二月的暴风雨中失灵了,你知道该怎么办吗? Do you know who to call? First, take a deep breath. There's no need to panic. 派拉蒙 加热 & 空气 is just a phone call away.

我们的 HVAC company 自从我们公司成立以来就一直在帮助新奥尔巴尼的人们修理坏了的加热器 in 2012. 告诉我们你的供暖问题,我们会派一个训练有素的暖通十大网络彩票平台大全技术员来解决. 我们以提供快捷可靠的服务而闻名,已成为当地人的首选 heating system problems.

呼叫 614.349.3332 to 时间表 heater repair in New Albany or Westerville.

Symptoms of a Heater in Need of Repair

因为极端寒流在新奥尔巴尼不太常见,我们的很多客户都不熟悉 the ins-and-outs of heater operation. They often miss smaller signs of heating issues, meaning we only get called when there’s a major, expensive problem. To make fixing 你的 heating problems easier, 我们建议新奥尔巴尼的居民保持警惕:

  • 寒冷的地点: Is 你的 thermostat 把温度调到75华氏度,但你的家感觉还是像个冰箱? 你的加热器是否不停地打开和关闭而不保持温度? This is a common sign of a heater that needs repair. 然而,在打电话给我们之前,请仔细检查过滤器是否干净,没有堵塞的灰尘.
  • A Yellow Pilot Light: 如果你的加热器有指示灯,它是蓝色还是黄色? 如果是后者,你需要立即离开家. 这是一个指示,你的加热器产生过量的一氧化碳, an odorless gas that can cause death. 在打电话给我们之前,先联系一下你的煤气公司,让他们关掉管道,检查是否有泄漏. After that, dial 614.349.3332 to 时间表 你的 New Albany-area heater repair.
  • Weird Smells: 请注意,我们指的不是你在这个季节第一次打开十大网络彩票平台大全时闻到的霉味. 这种气味是正常的,是你的设备在淡季燃烧掉所有灰尘的结果. 然而,如果你注意到一种气味拒绝消失,那就是时候了 call a local HVAC expert. 要降低此粉尘水平,请考虑安排加热器或 furnace maintenance in New Albany.
  • 奇怪的声音: A heater on its last leg will start making strange noises. This can be the whining of a worn belt, the squeaking of a poorly lubricated nut, or the creaking of an unstable chassis. 虽然这些声音可能暗示不了什么,但它们也可能是需要注意的事情的迹象. 因为安全总比后悔好,我们建议你在 614.349.3332 the first time you notice a problem.
  • Increased Energy Costs: 加热器需要维修的最容易注意到的迹象之一是水电费飞涨. 如果你的煤气费或电费上涨却没有明显的原因, it may be due to a loss of heating efficiency. 幸运的是,修理你的加热器通常足以使能源使用恢复到正常水平. In some cases, however, we might recommend total heating system replacement.
  • Frequent Cycling: Does 你的 heater rarely turn off? 你有没有注意到它经常断断续续? 如果出现上述任何一种情况,您的取暖器可能需要维修. While this doesn’t necessitate an emergency, 长期短周期循环会大大缩短加热器的使用寿命. To fix short-cycling in Dublin or New Albany, give our HVAC technicians 一个电话.

如果您注意到上述任何问题,是时候打电话了 a local heating company. 我们的 New Albany heater repair experts are here to put you back in comfort again.

The Main Reasons Good Heaters Go Bad

正确了解哪些加热器部件可能会出现故障,可以更好地装备您来处理 an HVAC emergency. It also makes it easier for you to communicate 你的 heating problem in a clear, comprehensive way. 我们的 12 years of experience repairing heating systems in New Albany has taught us that the issue is often:

  • Bad Thermostats: 你的恒温器告诉你的加热器何时打开和关闭. If it’s not working right, you’ll have a hard time staying warm. 看看这个问题是不是你问题的根源,试着换掉恒温器的电池. 还要确保它处于开启状态并设置为HEAT,并且选择的运行方法是AUTO.
  • Ignition Failure: Pilot lights can go out and refuse to light. 当这种情况发生时,你的加热器失去了加热空气的能力,让你感到寒冷. The main cause of pilot light issues are grime build-up and wear around the burner. If you can’t get it to reignite, reach out to our New Albany HVAC company at 614.349.3332.
  • The Exhaust Blower: 加热器的排气鼓风机把你的设备的可燃输出和排气孔到外面. 当这个系统发生故障时,您的设备将在关闭之前循环打开和关闭. 常规的 heater maintenance 能否保持排气鼓风机正常运行,防止意外停机.
  • Blower Motor Failure: Your heater’s blower motor is what pushes the air through 你的 ducts and out 你的 vent. 当它发生故障时,即使是最高效的设备也无法为你的家供暖或制冷. 典型的故障原因包括堵塞和过热. 定期清洁管道可以减轻风机电机的压力,使其有效运行.
  • Bad Heat Exchanger: 热交换器是供暖系统中最重要的部件之一. 它负责将燃烧气体与在家中循环的热空气分开. 当加热器的这部分故障时,一氧化碳可以进入你的空气供应. Replacing a heat exchanger can be cost-prohibitive. We often recommend replacing 你的 heater 而不是, 特别是如果失败的原因是短循环,因为你安装的加热器太大了.

Luckily, no matter the size of the issue, our New Albany HVAC technicians have likely seen it before. 我们装备精良的十大网络彩票平台大全使我们能够在第一次访问时解决最常见的加热器问题. 这意味着更少的时间花在穿外套和回到舒适的家里.

Trust 派拉蒙 加热 & 空气 with Your Heater Repair in New Albany

当您需要维修或更换加热器时,请相信我们的专家 派拉蒙! 正如我们一长串满意顾客的名单所示,你的许多邻居已经这么做了! With years of experience 帮助新奥尔巴尼的人们最大限度地享受生活, we have the know-how needed to get the job done. No matter what you need, 我们公司有明确的服务和程序,以确保一致性和正确的诊断.

In other words, when it comes to heater repair in New Albany, you can always count on 派拉蒙 加热 & 空气. 联系 us at 614.349.3332 to 时间表 你的 heating service.

Furnace and heater repair

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